Tuesday, February 24, 2009

The beauty after a rain

the blue sky, the sweet breeze, the song of birds, the smell of the flowers and the feel of the warm sun - what a wonderful walk with the dog along the California coast.
So I shout out:

Eucalyptus trees in the sky
against a bright blue canvas
puffy clouds and green grass lie
as Monarchs flitter by

Monday, February 23, 2009


It slowed down to a drizzle this morning so took my puppy Zippy out for a walk. After getting the required coffee and letting Z greet all her friends at the shop we headed up the hill. Walking along the sidewalk lined with old craftsman homes I could feel the generations. One grand old house told a story. An elderly man and women lived there and as they aged rails had been added to the entry banister to help them walk. Soon he passed and within a year so did she. The For Sale sign just went up with their garden in full bloom.

Time passes
Trees Blossom
A kid on his tricycle

Sunday, February 22, 2009

The only day that matters

Well for me it's got to be today. Today I'll make the effort to get some "To Do" items done so I can move forward. It's a crazy time in my life trying to figure out all the stuff like relationships, sanity, jobs, money, family, spirituality - how to keep it in balance, be grateful and improve as a person everyday. Understanding I'm not in control and actually having faith is something other than my own ego seems to clear the path - I'm not writing this blog to give advise but to help me be a better person. In that process I hope it helps others:

So today's Daily Shout Out:

Early Daylight
Moon on Lake
People bustle
Unaware of pink clouds
How much we’ve lost